Amy Bultena - Arts Education Leader
Student Awards
2015 22 works published in Celebrating Art
2014 12 works published in Celebrating Art
2013, 5 works accepted into Gallery 4463 Student Works Show
2013, 2 works exhibited at the Capitol Art Show
2012, 11 works published in Celebrating Art
2012, 1st overall, CCSD Middle School Juried Exhibition
2012, 1st in 8th grade, CCSD Middle School Juried Exhibition
2012, 3rd overall, CCSD Middle School Juried Exhibition
2012, 2nd in 7th grade, CCSD Middle School Juried Exhibition
2012, 1st place in Middle School, Gallery 4463 Student Works Show
2012, People's Choice Award, Gallery 4463 Student Works Show
2012, Mayor's Choice Award, Gallery 4463 Student Works Show
2012, 2nd Place in 7th grade, Kiwanis Student Show
2012, 3rd place in 8th grade, Kiwanis Student Show
2011, 18 works published in Celebrating Art
2011, 1 work accepted into "I Have a Dream" contest
2010, 12 works published in Celebrating Art
2010, 1st place in Elementary Art in Celebrating Art
Awards, Grants, & Honors
2018 $1 million CDE Student Support & Academic Achievement Grant
2017 $1.4 million US DOE Professional Development for Arts Educators Grant
2016 Stanislaus County Education Foundation Grant
2015 Ceres Unified School District Mini Grant
2013, Georgia Middle School Art Teacher of the Year
2013, $3000 Grant, Best Buy Educational Programming
2013, GACE Art Education Test Advisor, Educational Testing Service
2013, Featured Alumnus, KSU Graduate School Magazine
2013, Guinness World Record Participant, Largest Media Scavenger Hunt
2012, Model Schools Conference Presenter
2012, Featured Writer, American for the Arts blog
2012, Teacher of the Month, Cooper Middle School
2012, $2500 Grant, Cobb Schools Foundation
2012, Outstanding Student of the Year, KSU Fine Arts
2011, Georgia Art Education Association Spring Conference Presenter
2011, Georgia Art Education Association Fall Conference Presenter
2011, $2500 Grant, Target Stores Inc.
2011, Featured COTA student, KSU COTA website
2010, "Picturing America" Grant, Nat'l Endowment for the Humanities
2010, 2nd place, SCBWI Illustration Contest
2010, illustrator, Kennesaw Battlefield Park Junior Ranger Manual